My 2nd marriage was hell. I was abused in every way for the 7 1/2 years we were married. He continued to verbally abuse me through letters and phone calls while he was in prison. He stalked, harassed and physically and sexually abused me when he got out. Just not as much as he had before going to prison, but he still abused me. I haven’t seen him for a year and a half. He still tries to contact me and told his friends he was gonna hurt me again. They turned around and told me. I told the police and now I’m happy to say I’m finally protecting MYSELF and fighting back against Domestic Violence! LOVE YOURSELVES LADIES!!!✝️✨❤️
#Notoxicrelationships #Iloveme #Irespectmyself #ChristianAgainstDomesticViolence #AllGloryToGod
Surviving Domestic Abuse: A True Story of Escaping Violence and Finding Freedom
By Survivor I met a guy online, he seemed like the perfect guy for me so understanding and loving, I fell head over heels. It didn’t take long before I realized he wasn’t what he seemed. Anytime I didn’t do or say what he wanted he would belittle me and...