I was beat so bad I thought I was going to die. I was told if I cry he would kill me. he fractured my eye socket and fractured my cheekbone. All because he couldn’t get high. I wasn’t allowed to cry. Had to take the punches without a sound because it would set him off even more and make it worse. I was forced to lay on the bed with his hand around my throat while I took punch after punch listening to him scream in my face “Go ahead. Cry! I’ll kill you if you cry! You’re gonna die today” My silence finally stopped him. He didn’t leave though. I forced myself to sleep. Forced myself to ignore the pain. Forced myself to hope for better days. I didn’t know if I’d ever see my son again. Didn’t know if I’d ever see my family again. 6 broken ribs, broke all my teeth, my eye socket, split my head open in multiple spots, wouldn’t let me seek medical care, choked me, beat me, stabbed me, raped me when I said no. I was a victim of Domestic Violence. Now I am a survivor and I am strong! He thought he could break me but I held on. I didn’t let him win. I am a fucking warrior! #EndDomesticViolence

A Two-Time Survivor and Her Journey
By Survivor Barbie I would love to tell you my story. I am a two-time survivor of domestic violence and abuse. *The following story is written by a survivor of domestic violence and abuse. Names have been changed to protect all involved.* The First Attack I was married to my...