
My Story – Rachel

My first abuser was when I was 15. First it was extreme jealousy, then pushing, and getting angry when I didn’t want to have sex and that resulted in being thrown around. I was with him for 3 years.
Finally got free and ended up in another abusive relationship. This time I had a kid with the guy. He ended up strangling me and went to prison. I tried to tell them not to arrest him and blamed myself as well as make excuses for him. My baby was 2 weeks old and in my arms when he attacked me.
Got free when he was imprisoned. He did 3 years on a 5 years sentence.
My last abuser I ended up marrying and have 2 kids with. He was extremely narcissistic. Threatened my life numerous times, sexually assaulted me multiple times. Had me arrested by having his kids lie. He took life from me and I lost down to 96 lbs.

I left, I got free and I have been free from abusive people since 2018.

I did not realize the healing that was going to have to take place and in 2020 I was diagnosed with PTSD. I still struggle with nightmares and flashbacks, but I’m remarried to an amazing loving man and have 5 beautiful children.

I will never be victim to my past. My past told me I was not worthy of love and I repeatedly ended up with abusive men, but I have begun to really appreciate who I am and know my worth! It takes time, be patient with yourself.

I am a survivor, no longer a victim.
Obviously there is so much more to my story, but this is a condensed nutshell version.

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