My Story – Samantha

Late last year not long before Christmas I was physically assaulted by my partner at the time. He had asked me to lie to his ex partner to create chaos and drama and just because ehe is a narcissist and need attention. I refused to do so, he then began to verbal and mentally abuse me. I tried to escape into the bathroom but he followed me and after more verbal abuse as I was sitting on the tiles he said the words. “Are you ready” then before I could respond he punched me so hard in the face. Fracturing my eye socket and giving me a concussion.

As I lay screaming and crying on the floor he ran out and grabbed my 10 month old baby who was also screaming a d came back into the bathroom. He then made up a story that the police were outside and I need to shut up and stop it.
As I was so scared and in total shock I did what he wanted I got into the shower and sat in there with my baby boy. He then keep saying he was in so much trouble and began to cry. So I told him I would say I fell. He the. Latched onto that story and from then on proceeded to gaslight me and tell me I fell and hit the bath tub, when I would tell him no I didn’t he said how would you know you can’t even remember. Due to the head injury I was so confused and questioned myself.

I didn’t report it or leave him as he had such a hold on me as a person and I became such a weakened helpless version of myself. I hid the injury from everyone and had to tell my 2 older daughters that I fell.

This was the second instance of physical violence and he had been mentally and emotionally abusing me from the begging.

I feel so ashamed and embarrassed about what happened and that I let this person in our lives. I have finally managed to get him out of ky home but he is still trying to create drama and mentally abuse me from afar.

I’m scared he will come and hurt me and my children and I am at a loss as to what I can do to help myself.

I’m so lost and broke. What did I do

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