
My Story – Sarah

On march 19th 2019 my husband the love of my life for 12 years slit my throat from ear to ear he stabbed me 17 times a lot of it I don’t remember all I remember was in walking through the door sitting behind me a slitmy throat. The hospital in Pennsylvania to save my life the day I woke up my mother was there to pull the plug on me tell I opened my eyes they told me I would never be able to talk again bc he slit my vocal cord but a miracle happened and I am talking singing doing the normal things I used to do. I have a purpose in life.he only got 12 years for attempted murder in the first degree in a couple more years, he will have that ability to be able to get out so scariest thing to think about because he’s the last words he told me was, if he couldn’t have me no one will.

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