Hello my name is Veronica and I’m 53yrs.old.well I thought I knew this person .we just friend.i meet hm in 2018.a friend from work introduce us.wel we started to. Go out we had a good relationship.but then one in August the 4.2021.i went to this house.and for no reason He broke my phone.and then he lock me in his house w no way to. Get out.he strangle me till I was seeing stars.and beat me. Up.he threatened to kill me .four days he. Held me hostage.till my daughter called his phone and she said I’m going over there. W the. Cops.and that when he decided to let me go.i called the. Cops.and press charges bon him.and all he got is 4 yrs probation.i really dnt think that was right .
Surviving Domestic Abuse: A True Story of Escaping Violence and Finding Freedom
By Survivor I met a guy online, he seemed like the perfect guy for me so understanding and loving, I fell head over heels. It didn’t take long before I realized he wasn’t what he seemed. Anytime I didn’t do or say what he wanted he would belittle me and...