New Board Member: Midori Davidson

Let’s meet one of our new board members, Midori Davidson! 


“I want us to WIN!” –Midori Davidson


Midori is a descendent of five generations of domestic violence. She knows how vile abuse is and how it can take on so many different forms–physically, mentally, financially, emotionally. “Abuse is always about power,” she says. Her story is riddled with trauma, betrayal, and silence, but there’s more. She is not just a fighter and a survivor, she is a pillar of positivity, empowerment, and purpose.

Midori joined the Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence Board in 2020. She first joined BTSADV four years ago when she was drawn to the mission of being a beacon of light to women who can’t find their way through the dark. Dipping into her vast array of skill sets, Midori has worked with BTSADV in many departments: social media, administration, and blogging. She is most proud of her work in helping found Grants of Hope–a financial literacy class for survivors. 

As 2020 has brought many changes to the world through the pandemic, BTSADV has also undergone significant transformations. Midori wanted to join the board so she could continue to create a safe haven for women and men to learn, grow and be the change they wish to see. She is passionate about supporting all victims, survivors and families of domestic violence, particularly within the black community. “Women of color are treated differently as victims. They’re ignored and dismissed.” Midori is on a mission to break the silence for colored women everywhere, especially within the church.

Surviving a long line of domestic violence became the catalyst for Midori to finally break the cycle in her own life and discover how to build the life SHE dreamt of. Now she is working on her Master’s degree in Human Resources Leadership and continually spreading the energy she fully embodies: to WIN. It is an honor to welcome Midori to the BTSADV Board!



If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, there is help. You can visit the Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence website at or chat with one of our helpline advocates at 855-287-1777.


Share Your Story

Sharing our stories can be incredibly empowering while also helping others connect with survivors who have similar experiences. If you are inspired to share your story with us, submit here. You can choose to remain anonymous.

You can also donate to BTSADV here.

Photo Credit: Tim Mossholder, via Unsplash

break the silence against domestic violence

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