New Board Member: Ms. Megan Lee

By Jamey Sheesley

Welcome, Break The Silence Against Domestics violence new Board Member, Ms. Megan Lee.

I first met Megan in March at the BTSADV Survivor Sisters Retreat. She came to the retreat with her beautiful dogs to offer support and guidance for participants. During the emotional part of the retreat, both the dogs and Megan provided support for us. All three of them did an excellent job. From personal experience, she is a calm and helpful presence, and I am so happy I had the opportunity to meet her at the retreat.

Megan also has her own story of becoming a warrior. Both she and a friend were in abusive relationships at the same time. Their husbands were friends, and neither Megan nor her friend realized they were being abused. Megan was able to reconnect with this friend on Facebook and they shared their stories. They had a lot in common and have remained connected through social media. Her friend works for a domestic violence program in Tennessee and sent Megan a link to BTSADV, which is how she discovered our organization. 

Megan is one of the most amazing people I know. Before joining our board, she also became a foster mom. Her family decided to become a foster family, so at first, she had to turn down the board member role because she did not have any time. However, the more board members she met, the more they all wanted her to join. Lucky for us, she is joining us now that she has more time. She is the perfect addition to this group.

She will be attending the Survivor Sister’s Retreat in August, this time as a participant. Megan is excited to go through the entire program.

Megan hopes to help BTSADV grow even as an organization, and she wants to refine some of the areas that we are already working in. She also hopes to explore new areas as they come up.

I highly suggest reaching out to Megan; she is a very calming and intelligent person.

If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, there is help. You can visit the Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence website at or chat with one of our helpline advocates at 855-287-1777.


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You can also donate to BTSADV here.

break the silence against domestic violence

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