Nikki W

I looked in a saw him reaching on to the top shelf not realizing of knowing he had a gun up there and he pointed it to my face.

It was just after I lost my best friend. I guess he used it as a way to get to me, we were on and off for years mostly long distance never really spent time together. He knew my past and how I was abused sexually by my older cousins maybe that’s why too, but he’d talk sweet to me on the phone threw messages and apps finally I went to him on night it was fine and we were good at first, then his “ insecurities “ kicked in and he was drunk ( when wasn’t he though ).

I went to sleep one night and he got home around 3 am drunker then ever demanding me to have sex, after the fact he spotted a “ wet “ spot on the bed which obviously came from us and set him off I was sleeping again and he rolled me over asking how it got there who I slept with etc. me confused and still half asleep laughed and rolled back over then for the first time I felt it the full force of a fist in my back, he started yelling and screaming about me being a slut …… a few days went by and he manipulated me to go back again saying he hadn’t been drinking and wasn’t going to any more and that he was sorry it wouldn’t happen again. I believed him because I didn’t know better, but it did happen again but this time his mother got involved protecting me trying to stop him from chasing me as I walked away a second time, the next day he had a soft ball game I sat In the stands by myself because I wasn’t aloud to have communication with anyone he thought I had been checking out and filtering with another guy on another team so after being grabbed several times by the arm I decided I was going to walk away, he followed me down a farm area back road kept yelling at me to “stop come back I’m sorry”, I stopped after getting about 20 minutes down the road and he the got mad for wasting his time and shoved me into a ditch and right away grabbing me out saying “ I didn’t mean it I just mad him angry for trying to leave “.

The forth and final time he had been drinking up in the living room with his buddy’s he came down to the basement demanding sex and getting what he wanted he left me down there alone returning hours later questioning the “ spot on the bed again” saying I’m just a no good slut, I pack my bags and said I was done I tried my hardest to leave but he threw me on the bed and started punching me he punched me 4 times I was able to slide down to the foot I’ve the bed but then he grabbed me by the throat and had my neck between his hand and the corner of the bed, I kicked him in the bag he then let go of me and I tried to crawl into the closet but the door slammed on his head I looked in a saw him reaching on to the top shelf not realizing of knowing he had a gun up there and he pointed it to my face. After standing like that a few seconds he picked me up and threw me back on to the bed, I crawled into the corner like a beaten puppy as he put it which trigged him to be angry again he started punching me this time he was on top of me proceeded to use his knee and hit my head so hard it first hit the wall then back into his knee, I didn’t realize I lost consciousness at the time but i blacked out and came back to a empty room I grabbed all I could as fast as I could and tan I walked threw town it was about 8 pm by this time bloodied bruised and crying I didn’t realize at the time I had blood dripping from my ear and after trying to get a ride home I started hitch hiking by this time it was already dark but I had no where or no one in that town I made it about and hour out when someone picked me up and dropped me off at a lil town between the town I was leaving and home, I found out a while later I had been pregnant about 12 weeks. 9 years later and I haven’t heard from him or his family but my son is the light of my life if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here anymore.

Hear from other survivors

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