Nina morin Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Nina morin speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


I met the father of my children on a dating site. When I was 18 ?. We met at my house. My grandma said make sure you take care of my granddaughter. I wanted to leave my toxic family members. Went to go live with him immediately thought he loved me. Which was a lie. I got choked in front of my kids while they were hiding in the corner of the bed.he came to the door before that drunk out of his mind because I was no longer with him. He finally left the house and went to his mother’s house. His family would cover for him lie all the time. he is a register sex offender he runs away from the law alot. He owes thousands of dollars in child support I won’t take him to court because he works a minimum wage job. He’s an alcoholic lives like 3 blocks away. I’m not allowing no one to push me around no more. I share part of when I went threw to help others.

Notice: The names in this story are fictitious to protect the request for anonymity.

break the silence against domestic violence

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