Overcoming Abuse and Addiction: My Journey to Freedom and Healing

Hello my story starts from a very young age
Middel child of 6 children left mostly on my own resources my parents did supply the needs we had food and clothing but, love and encouragement was absent
I met my 2nd husband after my first husband left me for another woman (a note on the kitchen table on my birthday but that’s another story)
I met him while working at a diner I was in a bad way addicted to drugs and alcohol he was an older man and helped me kick my bad habits next thing i know I am pregnant and that’s when the controlling and abuse started
It was slow at first but then the beatings started he drank, and I gave up drinking so he would disappear a come home smashed and start abusing me
I finally got a good job and tried to leave but, he was always sorry for the sake of my daughter I stayed with him
We bought a house but, then he started hitting my daughter as discipline I had enough!
I asked for a divorce and ready to move on until he did a disappearing act once more came home smashed and tried to take my car
I was upset he was going to drive my car drunk (he already had 2 DWI) so i tried to stop him
Thats when he jumped out of the car and beat me so badly i blacked out next thing i know cops are there and he was arrested
He broke my orbit and nose and left me with short term memory loss for the rest of my life but, we are free of him finally!
My daughter is now 33 and a schoolteacher for pre-K and is a wonderful person but, my story is not over
I met another man my current husband of 25 years we have a daughter who is 23
He is a good person by most accounts but, is verbally abusive to me also he has never hit me words are just as bad
I asked for a divorce several time but, our financial situation will not allow me to be independent
I dream of being free living on my own with my cats but right now I am trapped
I will soon be able to get social security and maybe with working full time I can finally break free of this hell
I hope all who read this know I am not in danger but, you think the person who you love will ever take care of you and put you first is not real you need to put yourself first and I hope one day I can be the person I always wanted to be living a stress-free life doing what I would like to do without another person to worry about
Thank you and I hope all who are out there dealing with abuse find peace and happiness. By Survivor

break the silence against domestic violence

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