Sara Higgins Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Sara Higgins speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


A typical day consisted of him waking me up before he left for work so we could get in an argument. When he got home he would be even madder than when he left. He threatened to kill our daughter and I multiple times a day. When she would act like a typical toddler, he threatened to cut her throat. He would throw game controllers at her if she walked in front of the tv when he was playing. He broke plates, knives, pictures, basically everything he could get his hands on that was mine. I had a jewelry box from Japan and he destroyed it because he didn’t like the fact that it was locked. He would force me to have sex with him. If I refused, he would lay sideways on the bed, kicking me into the glass side tables. I wouldn’t be allowed to sleep in the bed that night. If I went to go sleep on the couch he would drag me upstairs by my hair. If I went into our daughter’s room he would come in yelling and screaming and drag me out by my hair. Every day consisted of him telling me I was worthless, fat, lazy, a horrible mother and how our daughter would be better off without me. He would threaten to kill my parents and sisters if I left him. I took our daughter to the beach one time without him. He called no less than 30 times in about 3 hours. I didn’t answer because we were playing. When we got back he accused me of cheating on him and leaving our daughter alone so she could drown.

I was not allowed to buy myself anything without his approval. If I wanted a piece of clothing to replace ones that were falling apart he had to get something then times more expensive. He would spend his whole paycheck the day it showed up. The rent wouldn’t be able to be paid so he would call his father to get the money. He would call me randomly while I was at work and if I didn’t answer after the first ring he would accuse me of cheating. If I talked to one of my coworkers outside of work I was automatically sleeping with them. One of my coworkers called the house, from his cell phone, to ask me to come in early because he had an emergemcy come up. I was screamed at and punched because I wouldn’t confess to sleeping with that coworker. Since I worked at a Subway in a Wal-Mart I had to pretend I didn’t know any of the guy workers when I went to the store with him. One weekend, he was trying to sell one of the many gaming systems that he would buy. The guy was haggling the price with him and it made him mad so he took it out on me by grabbing me and slapping me around. He would move furniture in front of the doors so I couldn’t get into the house. He would take our daughter and disappear for hours at a time and then come home like nothing was wrong.

The first time we left he promised he would change if I gave him another chance. It was fine at first then it got worse than before. The second time we left, we left for good. It’s been 10 years and I haven’t looked back. There are still days where I am afraid that he will make good on his promise to find me and kill me but those days are becoming less and less.


Sara Higgins Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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