By Anonymous Survivor
**The following is written by survivors of domestic violence and abuse seeking safety. Names have been changed to protect all involved.**
A Survivor’s Plea for Safety
I’m desperate for help.
It’s been seven years I’ve been divorced, and my ex-husband still stalks me daily. He threatens me and in the past, I’ve had orders to protect me.
However, the orders did nothing but cost me contempts in court from his mom retaliating on me financially. I just need some safety and security in my life.
My two daughters love me and want to be in my life, but he makes it impossible.
Check These Resources:
- Understanding Coercive Control
- Online Dating Safety
- Complete Guide to Mindful Meditation, and Emotional Healing.
- The Hidden Impact of Teen Dating Violence
- Find Support with BTSADV
Support Line
Other Resources and Information: