Survivor but still surviving…

What does it mean to be a survivor but is still surviving?

To survive an unforgettable bombardment that traumatically hindered you from being the authentic you before the pain, will rebuild you to overcome and still survive.

Being the survivor can be unexpectedly accepted by the one who caused your suffering. They don’t expect you to survive the malicious behavior they have purposely introduced you to.

We survived the long nights of weeping. The unseen force behind the damage that was done. The physical changes to our body. Our increased susceptible emotional state. The harsh realities in which you are being treated. The uncomfortable sacrifices we make to be yet comfortable again. The disbelief in the people who we chose to reach out to for support. We survived the unbelievable monster on a path we may have unknowingly chosen without expecting perfection. Most importantly, we survived the US forgiving us and the role we played in our hurt in decision making.

So when we say we are survivors, we are implying that we have conquered every strike, every shove, every bruise, every antagonistic word, every silent night of just tears, and the US transforming into the hero that saved us!

Society has unknowingly derided survivors when they speak out because they do not understand something they haven’t experienced themselves. Instead, we are looked at as provokers to a person’s personal decision to mistreat us.

When those eyes are on us to dim our lights of surviving, it reprograms us to “STILL SURVIVE”.We have to survive on a daily to get our lives back or even a new life.

The looks, the stares, the judgment, the controversies, the blame pointing, the erroneous accusations, and the therapy.


break the silence against domestic violence

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