A Journey Through Childhood Trauma and Domestic Violence

By Survivor Julie

**The following is written by survivors of childhood trauma domestic violence and abuse. Names have been changed to protect all involved.**

Parental Abuse and Childhood Trauma

My story goes back a long time ago with two different abusers. One being my dad. He use to tell me I was fat. I was afraid of him on the day of my driving test (he was a driving instructor) he went into the test centre and told everyone I didn’t stand a chance in hell of passing my driving test.

I went with my head up high and passed the first time I proved him wrong. He use to say he didn’t sit on his backside doing nothing and I had done a 12 hour shift at a supermarket, but according to him I was lazy.

At Christmas me and my mum would go and buy Christmas goodies and the day after Christmas day he would hide all the chocolates away so me and my mum couldn’t have any because we were fat enough.

One day I had a really bad tummy and I needed the toilet urgently. He went in the bathroom shut the door I had to poo in a bin. This is where the trauma really set in.

What My Mother Hid

He died in 2020 that was the day my mum told me he was hitting her. She had a massive bruise on her arm. She said she did it at work, but I know now he did it. Mum told me he was knocking her around since me and my brother were young children.

She was afraid to leave him. I really hate what he’s done to us, but loved him because he was my dad and did spoil me as a child.

My Ex Boyfriend

My second story is an ex-boyfriend who was lovely to me until he asked to marry him. All in all, when I said yes, that was the day everything changed.

If I spoke to another man he would accuse me of having an affair. I wasn’t allowed to speak to any man. He made me have sex with him. He pinned me down and all I could do was pray it would end soon. I had to stay at his house that night. However, all he had was a single bed, and he made me sleep inside. So I couldn’t get out.

He was so drunk that night i waited till he was asleep and escape him it was 2 am. Over 3 months he raped me 5 times.

At the time, I didn’t see it as rape. However, I had counseling and the councillor told me it was rape. I felt dirty and ashamed to tell anyone.

One day he wanted sex I said no because I was on my period he didn’t believe me and I had to take a tampon out to prove I was. He still forced he to have sex.

Another day he he made me give him oral sex he pushed my head down hard until he came in my mouth! I spat it out!

Speaking Out About My Trauma

I have never spoken out until sending you this message.

He came around to my parents’ house and asked if they had any money in the house so we could go to the pub.

I said no they didn’t I had to do something if I didn’t I knew he was going to hurt me. He never hit me, but did put his fist to my face.

I asked him if he would go and get my sunglasses out of his car I told him I left them in there (I didn’t). I just had to get him out the house. All in all, when he went outside, I locked all the doors and didn’t leave until my parents got home.

The next day he turned up at my work place and searched the staff only area. My dad stood up for me and told him to stay away from me.

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