By Survivor Kelly
This is the story of how survivor Kelly survived beatings, betrayals, and her search for justice!
**The following is written by survivors of domestic violence and abuse. Names have been changed to protect all involved.**
Enduring for Over Four Years
I am a domestic abuse survivor. I endured abuse over 4yrs.
To write my whole experience would be too much. The beatings, everyday, for 365 days a year, for over four years is a lot. Plus, he cheated.
He used to pay for sexual favors from other women. He hated that I knew his next move. That I somehow got inside his head.
The Abuse Was Traumatizing
All in all, this man tortured me. For 4 years he hit me. He spat at me, bit me, strangled me. Dragged me across gravel car parks.
Dragged me by the hair into his car. Not to mention he would throw stuff at my face. Numerous black eyes and even a broken nose.
My abuser knocked ten teeth out and fractured my skull. He harassed me. He gave me a sexually transmitted disease because he cheated on me with a prostitute. There is no justice.
Sexual Abuse and Criminal Cases
This man blackmailed me to have sex to avoid him cheating. Telling me he will go else where. Putting pornography on in front of me to make me react and give him what he wanted.
This man threatened my family. H broke 4 breaches of a restraining order. He is up for 3 different court cases dating back to July 2021 and all are ongoing.
His Cases Include the Following:
- Controlling coercive behavior
- Harassment
- Breach restraining order 4 times
- Breach of suspended sentence and court bail
- Assault
- Assault by beating
- Stalking without fear
Justice: Not Yet
In July 2021 he nearly killed me. And the justice system, still in November 2024, 3 and half years are still letting women down. We are falling victims with lengthy court date waiting times.
My perpetrator is now back on remand and I’m awaiting court date for his sentencing at crown court.
This isn’t even a scratch of the surface story of what I endured and still struggling with as a survivor of domestic abuse.
So after watching the documentary on domestic abuse last night. I’m going to write to the queen and tell my story properly which I need to do to heal and help others in their search for justice!
Check These Resources:
- Understanding Coercive Control
- Online Dating Safety
- Complete Guide to Mindful Meditation, and Emotional Healing.
- The Hidden Impact of Teen Dating Violence
- Find Support with BTSADV
Support Line
Other Resources and Information: