
Survivor Story: My Abuser Drove Drunk with Me in the Car – and I Was Hospitalized

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Written by: BTSADV Survivor

I was with my boyfriend for 18 months. He started off sweet and caring, but one night we both got drunk and got into a fight; he started punching me in the face and pinned me to a wall. He’d always call me names and put me down, and he would sometimes pinch me and bite me.

In July, we were driving to his mom’s house. He drove drunk and went around a turn going 80 mph. We spun out, hit an SUV, and almost went down an embankment. I ended up biting my tongue when the airbag deployed. I also had abdominal bleeding, and I went to the hospital. His mom lived 3 hours away. He was arrested and ended up trying to hitchhike to get back to me, but I got my mom to get me. I could barely move because I had bad whiplash.

He called me all mad because when he got there, I wasn’t there; he told me I was an idiot. Then the next day, he messaged me to apologize, saying he would quit drinking and stop calling me names. So I went back to the apartment. It was okay for a little while, but he started drinking again.

He would get jealous of anyone I talked to and accused me of cheating; even if I was at work, I got accused. I couldn’t even use the bathroom with the door closed, or he would throw a fit. He made me shower when he showered and wouldn’t let me any other time. Eventually, I tried to leave, and he wouldn’t let me. He would block the door and throw the phone so that I couldn’t call anyone. He threatened to kill me if I ever tried to leave him.

Recently I found out I was pregnant, and I got the courage to leave. He ended up getting arrested, and now I’m trying to build myself back up. He tried to call me from jail saying he doesn’t feel whole without me and that he missed me and loved me and couldn’t understand why I left. He still denies ever hitting me and claims he never meant to hurt me. But I know better now. He still tries to contact me


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