Survivor Story: Poem – Till Death Do Us Part

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Poem Written by: Carmelitta, Survivor

‘For better or worse,’ she recited the vows;
she got herself in but almost didn’t get out.
The bruises she wore from her face to her feet.
In silence she stayed; she just tried to keep peace.

Pregnant – and still wore the pain on her face –
even as she welcomed the baby into this big old place.
Even though the world was big, it always felt so small –
not allowed to leave the house, not even a phone call.

Was it worse than the prison? At least they get fed…
“Your body is eating itself; you’re starving,” the doctor said.

She was offered some bleach when she got home.
‘Just drink it now and it will all be done.
You’re worthless and angry; no one will ever love you.
How could I be so stupid to make you a mother.’

Her hair was pulled; there were bald patches on her head.
The marks became so visible, she could barely leave her bed.
The drugs he would give her to make her stay asleep,
because the silence was better than a bitter piece of meat.

The courage grew and she finally got away,
but her baby was taken within two days.
On January 16, it was cold outside,
but no colder than what she was feeling inside.

‘Till death do us part,’ I will never say again.
When he said it, he meant it, but he didn’t win.

**If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, there is help. You can visit the Break the Silence website at, chat with one of our helpline advocates at 855-287-1777, or send a private message through our Facebook page.


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