Written by: Michele, Survivor
I was 23 years old. I had moved out of state and left everything behind to be with this man. The mental abuse started as soon as we moved. That went on for about a year and a half until that one night in March 2016 when he became physical.
He had taken me to the movies to see Deadpool where he had a few drinks. When we arrived home after the movies, I had made a comment to him that he did not like and things escalated from there. He threw me into a wall, breaking my collarbone. Then, he pinned me down to the floor with his knees as he attempted to cover my mouth and nose to “keep me quiet.” When that didn’t work, he smashed my head off a glass door, breaking the glass and giving me a severe concussion.
Dazed and confused, I pulled out my phone to call 911. He took the phone and hung up before I could reach anyone. The neighbors overheard the commotion and thankfully called 911. As he was about to smash my head for the second time, the police busted in. He was arrested and charged with numerous assault and battery charges. And as for me, I left the state the very next morning, leaving the life and friends I had created there behind without ever looking back.
It’s taken me almost four years to open up about that night. I honestly believe that if someone didn’t overhear my screams, I wouldn’t be here today to tell my story. Now I am in a happy, healthy committed relationship and have made a new life for myself and furchild. So, ladies and gentlemen, at the time it may not feel like leaving is the right choice, but it will be the best decision you’ll ever make. It does get better!
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