
Ashley’s Story: A Q&A with a Survivor

Interview by Tina O’Reilly Ashley lives in Colorado and got involved with Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence when she met the BTSADV founder Kristen Faith last year. When she isn’t working or volunteering in her community, she makes the most of her Colorado life hiking with her dog and spending time with friends. Where […]

Single Parent Life

By Chyna Snell The journey of parenthood: it is a road in life that comes with its own roses and thorns. No two paths look the same, nor is comparison appropriate when it comes to the diverse families that exist in today’s world. To be a single parent in the past meant facing unfair judgment, […]

Life and Love After Domestic Violence: Kristen’s Story

By Jamey Sheesley Life after domestic violence can seem scary because it is starting over with a blank sheet of paper. Trusting people is hard and self-doubt is lurking around every corner. Love after domestic violence seems even harder. How can you even think of loving again? Love hurt you so bad. This is Kristen’s […]

Recognizing the Red Flags

By Jamey Sheesley Red flags are alerts that go off in your gut or brain when someone is not right. It is your body trying to warn you to proceed with caution or get away immediately. Red flags are often easy to blow off or ignore, but there are many reasons why you should not […]

Empowerment and What it Means to Me

By Jenn Rockefeller Empowerment. It’s a word that carries such a strong positive connotation. For domestic violence survivors, the strong positive connotation can sometimes get lost in the shuffle when entering into their healing journey. They may not see the positive side of it all. They may initially miss out on understanding just how much […]

What is Love?

By Jamey Sheesley Dear Survivor, I am writing to let you know about love. According to Psychology Today, love is a force of nature and it is bigger than what you are. You cannot command, demand, or take away love. If love is so great, then why do you feel so betrayed? Why do you […]

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