
Survivor Story: Abuse Was Just “A Part of Life”

Submitted by: Dawn, Survivor Survivors of child abuse and childhood domestic violence are at higher risk of being abused in romantic relationships as teens and adults. The presence of any abuse in the home conditions them to view abuse in personal relationships as normal, even acceptable. Survivor Dawn shares with us how the normalization of […]

Survivor Story: You Are Not Defined By Your Past

Submitted by: *Gloria, Survivor Being severely abused as a child can leave survivors with damage that impacts them for life. When one or both parents or guardians work in law enforcement, it can leave them feeling like they have nowhere to turn. Survivor Gloria shares her story and reveals what caused her to reach out […]

Survivor Story: She Was Sexually Abused As a Child

Written by: *Whitney, Survivor According to RAINN, approximately 93% of child sexual abuse victims under age 18 are abused by someone they know. The perpetrators of these crimes can be a close family member or friend, a teacher, coach, doctor, or many other possibilities. The children enduring the abuse are often told to keep it […]

Survivor Story: Her Abuser Threatened Her Children with Foster Care and Death

Written By: *Jackie, Survivor Domestic violence has far-reaching effects on all family members living in a home where abuse occurs. Growing up in a home with abuse increases a child’s risk of harm in several ways. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, between 30 – 60% of abusers will also abuse the children who […]

Survivor Story: Abuse is Everyone’s Problem

Submitted by: Rick, Survivor Any form of abuse, regardless of the type, has far-reaching consequences for the children subjected to it. Research shows that trauma impacts not only mental and emotional health but causes physical changes to the brain as well. Consequently, abused children are at higher risk of illness, behavioral problems, and impaired development […]

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