
Why is Sleep so Difficult?

The pattern of racing thoughts late at night to falling asleep, only to wake up again continues. Why is sleep so difficult? It could be PTSD.

My Ex-Husband Killed My Daughter

My name is Kris, and I have been a domestic violence advocate now for 21 years. In addition to my advocacy work, I have also become a resiliency speaker sharing my own story of domestic violence and the horrifying events that led up to the murder of my 3yr old daughter, Miranda.

With Six Kids to Care for, I Was Trapped

Elizabeth met a man who would eventually become her abuser when she was in high school. Over the years, they had six kids, which only strengthened his control over her. The physical and financial abuse kept Elizabeth and her children trapped. She had nowhere to go for help, and no way to financially provide for six kids on her own, so she stayed hoping it was the best way to protect and provide for her children.

Turning Trauma Responses Into Strength

In abusive relationships, it’s very common for victims of abuse to live in a state of fight or flight. While it may not be fully elevated at all times, individuals in this position have been conditioned to remain fearful and unsure of what is going to come next.

I Got Out, But I Am Still Fighting For My Child

Linda saw the warning signs early in her relationship and left. However, when she learned she was pregnant she returned. For years he stayed at home while she worked multiple jobs to make ends meet, only to be abused day after day. Eventually Linda was able to leave, but it created a custody battle. A custody battle that she continues to fight to this day.

How to Cope with Survivor’s Guilt

You are free and clear. You are not with the abuser anymore. You can live your life free of abuse, pain, shame, and a host of other things. Yet, you feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. Why?

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