
Rescue from my Prince Charming – Gaslighting, and the ‘Fog’ of Abuse

This survivor felt completely alone in what she thought was her ‘fairy tale’ romance. Without any reference, and new to dating, she struggled to identify healthy habits from abusive ones. She slowly realized that she was in an abusive relationship, and is working to free herself from it. We hope that she knows that she doesn’t need a Prince Charming. She has the power to be the heroine of her story

I Chose to Forgive Because It Was The Right Thing For Me

Ashley experienced intimate partner violence at the hands of her former boyfriend. Even after obtaining a restraining order, her abuser was intent on finding a way into her life. Ashley’s inner strength, coupled with the rare kindness from strangers, allowed her to escape, during a harrowing and violent abusive outburst. Ashley shared her vulnerable story of choosing to forgive in the hope that other survivors and friends are able to understand the power of survival, her choices, and her way of breaking the cycle.

Breaking My Silence Twice

Shelley’s story describes what it was like living with emotional and financial abuse. Often survivors in these situations don’t feel like their abuse is ‘real’ abuse and stay silent for much longer. Shelley shares her journey to finally understanding her abuse, how she was both supported and ignored by those around her, and the lengths she had to go through to ensure safety for herself and for her children.

I’m Still Working Hard to Find My New Normal

Valerie escaped her abuser after a 13-year relationship, finding safety for herself and her 3 children. Like most abusive relationships, hers escalated steadily to almost deadly levels, while she hid signs of abuse from those around her. Read her story to find out how she survived both her abuser and the legal system to get to where she is today.

Intimate Partner Sexual Violence

By Amy Thomson When many people hear about sexual violence, they often assume that the perpetrator was a stranger. They may picture dark alleys and sinister figures lurking in the shadows. Even though 30% of sexual assault victims are attacked by strangers, the circumstances around each assault vary widely. Victims and survivors of sexual assault […]

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