
Survivor Story: Trying to Co-Parent with Her Abuser Delayed Healing

Submitted by: Bonnie, Survivor As survivors of domestic violence know, healing from abuse is a lifelong journey that can be filled with countless obstacles. Survivors who have exited abusive relationships or marriages with children often find themselves struggling to co-parent with an abuser who exploits divorce and custody situations, thereby continuing to cause emotional trauma […]

Survivor Story: My Daughter’s Strength Encouraged Me to Break My Silence

By Jenn Rockefeller “When I realized the difference between my daughter and I [sic], she forgave [her abuser] and became a survivor immediately. I am no longer a victim and no longer let it rule my life.” Those are the words of a victim turned survivor. Those are the words of a woman who endured […]

Survivor Story: I Was in an Abusive Marriage for 15 Years

Written by: BTSADV Survivor I’m a survivor of Domestic Violence. I was with my abuser for 15 years before I had the courage to leave. My story is a long one, so I will give you the outline of my abuse. When I met my husband, he was charming and very sociable. He made me […]

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