
10 Years Later: The Joe Paterno Saga

As a survivor, we normally assume that most people think like us.  Maybe they have not experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, or child abuse, but you assume that they still find these things as abhorrent as you find them.  It was disheartening to hear these people bend over backwards to defend a cover-up of sexual assault towards children.

My Survivor Story

Over 70% of domestic violence murders happen after the victim has ended the relationship, after she is gotten out. Because then the abuser has nothing left to lose. Other outcomes include long-term stalking, even after the abuser has remarried. 

Being An Ally Over the Holidays

Last week, in the blog “The Holidays and Domestic Violence,” we saw some numbers that suggestion abuse calls to shelters and law enforcement actually lessen in the period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.  Obviously, with the prevalence of victims not wanting to or being able to report domestic violence, this does not mean that […]

The Holidays and Domestic Violence

The Numbers May Lie Do you remember hearing that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from outer space? This is a piece of trivia that has been passed along since I can remember.  It gets repeated so much that it is very possible that it is the first thing you […]

Vanessa’s Story

Hi. My name is Vanessa, and I am a survivor of domestic abuse. Here’s the reason I’m writing this—my abuser was over 1,000 miles away from me. (and I am also writing this to help anyone else who’s suffering through the same torture. Nobody is ever alone in this, no matter who you are, what […]

My Survivor Story

My mother was abusive, and I replaced her in marriage. She followed me across the country and made good friends with my ex-husband, who drinks a lot and goes Jekyll and Hyde. I made the mistake of moving on too quickly as I tried to escape the abuse when I was pregnant again and fell […]

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