
Treatment for PTSD in Adults

By Jenn Rockefeller The aftermath of an abusive relationship is complicated. From figuring out living situations to financial solutions, our lives can become unmanageable. When you add our emotional well-being into the mix, well, that just compounds the aftermath into a tension-filled life. When we deal with reliving the same events and emotions over and […]

Survivor Story: My Abuser Repeatedly Raped and Sexually Abused Me

Written by: BTSADV Survivor When I first met him, I was a short, small-town, fourteen-year-old girl who was swept off my feet by his charm and sweet words. I felt like the princess he would tell me I was. After being interested in him for a year, he took me to a movie and asked […]

Angel Story: My Abuser Shot Me and A Friend After I Left

Written by: BTSADV Survivor I was with my abuser for eight years. It all started when I was young and did not want to listen to anyone. When I first started dating him, I was 15 years old. It was also at that age that I first experienced the abuse, but I ignored the red […]

Survivor Story: My Abuser Told the Military Police That I Assaulted Him

Written by: BTSADV Survivor When I was 14 years old and a freshman in high school, I didn’t know about sex because my parents were old fashioned and believed that the school should teach that. My older brother was a junior that year and always drove me to school. One day after school let out, […]

Survivor Story: My Father Abused My Mother and Me Until I Was 13

Written by: BTSADV Survivor Growing up, my mom and I were abused by my dad. The earliest time I can remember was when I was five. It was Father’s Day, and my parents were separated at the time. I woke up to them fighting, and I ran out of my room to help her. I […]

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