
Survivor Story: After Leaving an Abusive Marriage, This Survivor Has Rebuilt Her Life

Submitted by: Christina, Survivor Those who have not been abused often ask survivors of domestic violence why they stay so long. While each survivor may have different reasons, they are all valid. Survivor Christina shares how the abuse began – and escalated – after marrying her high school sweetheart, her reasons for staying, how she […]

Survivor Story: Trying to Co-Parent with Her Abuser Delayed Healing

Submitted by: Bonnie, Survivor As survivors of domestic violence know, healing from abuse is a lifelong journey that can be filled with countless obstacles. Survivors who have exited abusive relationships or marriages with children often find themselves struggling to co-parent with an abuser who exploits divorce and custody situations, thereby continuing to cause emotional trauma […]

Survivor Story: A Son Saves His Mother’s Life

Submitted By: Jovan, Survivor Domestic violence affects millions of women, men, and children each year. For military families dealing with abuse, there are unique obstacles and stressors generally not faced by civilian families. In addition to service members struggling with the stress of deployment, frequent moves, combat assignments, and work-related issues, many military families also […]

Survivor Story: Creating Art is Helping Me Heal from Childhood Domestic Violence

Written by: Aron, Survivor Domestic violence rarely, if ever, only affects the person experiencing it firsthand. Various studies conducted estimate between 3.3 million and 15 million children witness physical violence at home. Witnessing abuse – regardless of whether or not it ever turns physical – has lifelong consequences for the children exposed to it. Survivor […]

Survivor Story: My Abuser Repeatedly Raped and Sexually Abused Me

Written by: BTSADV Survivor When I first met him, I was a short, small-town, fourteen-year-old girl who was swept off my feet by his charm and sweet words. I felt like the princess he would tell me I was. After being interested in him for a year, he took me to a movie and asked […]

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