
An Open Letter to Grief

This is a letter to the most uninvited guest of my life. A guest I would give anything to have never met– this letter is for Grief.

Grief took me to the darkest place I have ever been and gnawed at my heart until it, too, became a giant, empty, black hole. During this time, there were many moments I thought Grief was nothing but a ball and chain I would have to live with for the rest of my life.

Post Traumatic Growth: Thriving and Finding Meaning After Trauma

We have all heard the phrase,  “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” As survivors of domestic violence, this saying can be hard to grasp. It can leave you wounded, with both visible and invisible scars. It can sometimes be hard to imagine you will ever recover from the trauma you faced, let alone come back stronger.

Advocating for Teens in a Domestic Violence Relationship

TDV, just like domestic violence, is ruthless, and the road to recovery is often long and uphill. This is why it is an issue that should not be minimized and, instead, should be taken as seriously as intimate partner violence in adults. As seen in the survivor story above, it can affect survivors long after leaving the abusive relationship.

Domestic Violence in Unexpected Places

When “heroes” become the perpetrators of abuse, there is a double-edged sword of action without consequence that makes situations like these especially dangerous for victims of domestic violence.

What Is Domestic Violence?

What is domestic violence? Who does it affect? And how can we help break the cycle of abuse? October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and it’s the perfect time to bring awareness to the many different situations and types of domestic abuse.

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