
A Look into Codependent Relationships

By Sunny Lim Codependent relationships are the opposite of healthy relationships. Codependency isn’t exclusive to romantic relationships–it can be present in friendships and family relations as well. Being codependent is defined as excessive reliance on a person for approval, self-esteem, and identity. Through this condition, the other person often enables the codependent partner feeding into […]

Single Parent Life

By Chyna Snell The journey of parenthood: it is a road in life that comes with its own roses and thorns. No two paths look the same, nor is comparison appropriate when it comes to the diverse families that exist in today’s world. To be a single parent in the past meant facing unfair judgment, […]

Bouncing Back from Low Self-Esteem

By Jamey Sheesley We all struggle with low self-esteem at some point in our lives, but coming out of an abusive relationship can send that self-esteem to the lowest you may ever face. All you heard for months or years were the degrading comments from your abuser. It is time to change that because your […]

Empowerment and What it Means to Me

By Jenn Rockefeller Empowerment. It’s a word that carries such a strong positive connotation. For domestic violence survivors, the strong positive connotation can sometimes get lost in the shuffle when entering into their healing journey. They may not see the positive side of it all. They may initially miss out on understanding just how much […]

When Abuse Escalates

By Jamey Sheesley Escalation in abusive relationships is very dangerous. Victims tend to experience a steep increase in the abuse as part of the abusive cycle or if they find any sort of independence from their abusive partner. What is the cycle of abuse? Even though every abusive relationship is different, there is always a […]

The Importance of Healing

By Jenn Rockefeller The healing journey following domestic violence can be a daunting one. Survivors often don’t know where to start or what to do. Some survivors think they will be healed when they leave their situations, but that’s only the first step. Healing takes considerable time and effort. Here we will discuss the importance […]

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