
Survivor Story: My Abuser Would Hurt Me in Front of My Daughter

Written by: Renee, Survivor My name is Renee, and I am a survivor of domestic violence. I’m 24 years old, and I was in an on and off again relationship. When we got back together for the millionth time over the past seven years, I thought his drug habit was harmless. He seemed to have […]

Stalking: What is It and How Can I Stay Safe?

By Rebecca Lynn According to the Centers for Disease, Control, and Prevention, 1 in 6 women, and 1 in 17 men have experienced stalking during their lifetimes. The Stalking Resource Center reports that 61% of those women and 44% of men are stalked by current or former intimate partners. For this article, we will focus […]

Survivor Story: My Abuser Threatened Me Long After the Divorce

Written by: BTSADV Survivor After 17 years and three children, I found the strength to leave my abusive marriage. After six weeks of marriage, I experienced my ex-husband’s temper for the first time. I had never seen that anger in anyone before, and I mistook it for intense emotion. I decided that no one had […]

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