vanessa knight Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister vanessa knight speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


My downstairs neighbor, brian sleeper, has deliberately disturbed/harassed my nights sleep with unreasonable noises at unreasonable times. To then provoking argument getting me to react to it, and then recording my reaction losing my cool back at him saying to police that I am the problem, when I was the one calling police on him harassing me. They term this as “Reactive Abuse.” It is difficult to not react to someone personally attacking you, and my therapist will try to help me not react, where you feel vulnerable caught off guard to attacks. Bullies displace blame on their victims, as I’m learning the hard way. I already have anxiety and post traumatic stress without this jerk putting me through more. I will have to learn to empower myself to learn to be resilient in place of being the victim.


vanessa knight Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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