Vanessa Scott Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Vanessa Scott speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


I lived with domestic violence for 6 years. Coming home after a long day of work. I sat on the couch by my husband while he was playing a video game. I got on my phone and smile when I saw my sister sent me a text of my niece. I was accused of cheating. Smiling at my phone, that smile faded once he started yelling. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and when I was done I called to tell my mom I would be visiting her. I opened the door to the restroom and there he was standing on the other side waiting for me. I blacked out. I remember coming too and being in my bedroom with him standing over me with a blank stare. I felt my pocket and remembered that I was talking to my mom on the phone. With no shoes or socks on yet. I got up and ran outside to call the police. I never called the police on him before. The police came but unfortunately my skin color is black and my husband’s light mexican. The police not only left him at my house But took me to jail! To make matters worse the white officer too beat me! Said I’m his prisoner, slammed my head to his car before throwing me in the back seat and slaming me up against a brick wall before taking me in. Since that day, I vowed to never call the police again. One day, he thought he killed me. I played dead. He called my sister and she came rushing. She couldn’t bare to see me. She was shaking uncontrollable. She took me to my families house. I still went back to him after. One night I woke up to him beating me in my sleep. I jumped up and couldn’t take it anymore. I never hit back before but I stood up to him and dared him to hit me. He didn’t. The next day I was sitting on the couch with my two year old son and he pulled a gun on me. He pulled the trigger but the gun jammed. That was the last straw for me. He put my son in danger and was going to shoot me in front of him! When he left I cried no tears! I was the happiest I’ve been in a long time. I felt like i could breathe in my house. I felt free!!! I live today to share my story.


Vanessa Scott Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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