Veronica Wieczerza Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Veronica Wieczerza speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


My then boyfriend was arrested october 19th 2019. His charges against me are DV 3rd offense and felony assualt. I was pregnant with his third known child when he was arrested.

We met july 2019. he would drag me from my couch to the floor, causing me to hit my head hard on the carpet floor. he would make death threats to my family and i if i tried to leave or called the police. he even used my phone to send threatening texts to my mom and ex husband. i even have reason to believe he cheated on me considering he ran off on me for 3 days in september of 2019. i lost my apartment, car, 2 cats, job, and most importantly my 2 year old son from his abuse. currently im 32 weeks pregnant with his child and it hasnt been a very joyful pregnancy either. during my pregnancy i was only focused on getting my 2 year old back, i had to re-live the memories and events of the abuse, i didnt have a lot of time to enjoy and focus on my pregnancy as a result. shortly after he was arrested, i reached out to other former victims of his who are also mothers to 2 sons of his. we share similar stories and experiences and have connected well as a result. robert jamison, my abuser, has even used my debit card to look up my moms and ex husband addresses online, which still terrifies me. the abuse has also made me a victim of truma bond. i’m hurt, angry, confused, destroyed, and i will never be the same person i used to be. he even punched a hole in my apartment wall. robert knew i had a disability, and still chose to harm me. he even threatened me to recant my police statement against him in court. what caused me to leave and seek help was when he held a knife up to my neck. he was on parole and would tell me about crimes he wanted to committed and that he wouldnt get caught if he allowed his braclet to die. hes even told me that he killed someone and was never caught. i have C-PTSD now as a result from the abuse.

please, anyone who is in an abusive relationship, i urge you to seek help asap. it will only get worse and i wouldnt be here today if i hadnt left when i did!


Veronica Wieczerza Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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