Survivor Story: I Grew Up Thinking It Was Normal for a Mother to Be Abused

Written by: BTSADV Survivor I will be 21 in 2019, a strange age so attached to maturity, but that’s a word I don’t think I’ll ever be able to relate to.  My earliest memory of childhood in New Zealand as a second-generation Iranian refugee is of my father pushing my mother down the stairs over […]

Survivor Story: I Am Enough

Written by: J.D, Survivor I can see her now, pacing on the delicate eggshells she walks upon. Her bones show in places they never had before. Deep down in the pit of her stomach, there are knots so intertwined they may never dissipate.  She spent just over an hour sleeping last night. Just over an […]

Survivor Story: I Had Convinced Myself He Didn’t Mean It

Written by: Liana, Survivor Pain is addicting. I felt that I was in love with pain. I couldn’t stop my own, and it felt as if I was doing humanity a favor by loving someone who was “damaged,” “misunderstood,” and “crazy.” I needed to be needed. I needed to be darkly and desperately wanted. Like […]

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