Survivor Story: I Knew It Was Time to Leave When I Considered Suicide After 18 Years of Abuse
Submitted by: *Mandy, Survivor Whether we are in an abusive relationship for a relatively short time or many years, developing depression and considering suicide as an option to end our suffering are painful realities many of us face. It is estimated that approximately 23% of survivors of intimate partner violence attempt suicide. This is disproportionately […]
Creating Strong Bonds with Other Domestic Violence Survivors
I remember the exact moment it happened. I had one of those “ah-ha moment.” The ones that baffle you because how did you not know. But also make you feel relieved because now you do. I was sitting in a dimly lit room that was cluttered with mismatched couches. There was little decoration on the […]
Survivor Story: He Blamed Me for His Drinking and Assaulted Me When I Tried to Take Our Daughter to My Mother’s House
Submitted by: *Eliza, Survivor Many people falsely believe that drug and alcohol abuse and mental health issues are key underlying causes of domestic violence. Rather, these are contributory factors that have been shown to increase the frequency and severity of abuse experienced by the victim. Differences in how control, awareness, and choice present in the […]