Hidden Traumas

Domestic violence (DV) can affect anyone of all races, genders, age, and sexual orientation. The CDC reports that one in every seven men in the U.S. over the age of eighteen are a victim of DV. The actual statistics may be even more, as men are far less likely to report instances of domestic violence […]

My Survivor Story

My story: I spent half my life with my abuser. We met in middle school and started a relationship our sophomore year of high school. Everyone called us high school sweethearts and thought we had a great love story. Image was everything to him and no one knew the darkness behind our doors. We married […]

My Story – Kelsey

I got with him thinking he was the greatest man I had ever came across. I got pregnant early into our relationship with our first child, and I left because I was scared for my own reasons. Once our first son turned 6 weeks old we got back together, things were great at first, he […]

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