My name is Kim an I’m a dv survivor. In 2019 my bro died unexpectedly. Well then it all begin. Started with acks here an there. Then black eyes busted noise even as far as tearingy ACL. Assophis got tore . this man was evil. As I tried to leave beating got worse he went to if I can’t have you Boone can… Well on mother’s day it got so bad my son herd it all called the cops an it by him an grace of God I’m even here .. my son showed up an saved my life I am so forever greatful that I was able walk away took 3 yrs to know my worth an build bk uo

The Journey of a Domestic Violence Survivor: Healing and Resilience
By Survivor The life of a Survivor of Domestic ViolenceThe repair of the abuse is never repaired because the damage is too unrepairable, mental or physical abuse stays with the survivor for life.Future relationships will be affected by the triggers of the survivor and the relationship will usually suffer, to...