I survived religious, sexual, mental, physical, mental, and emotional abuse for over 13 years from my husband, his mother, and their church. I was told he owned my body, and could do what he wanted with it, because we were married and that if I were to leave I’d send us both to Hell. I was told he was allowed to cheat and I had to accept it. I was told I had to lie about my family in court or face the consequences, which ended up costing me my children. I was beaten. I was told he’d stop cheating, if only I’d do these drugs with him “one last time,” and he never would’ve if I had just been easier or given him the threesomes he asked for. I was told how to dress, think, and act. I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere alone. I was always being accused of lying and cheating. I wasn’t allowed access to my family or friends. No social media. He knew every text or phone call or conversation I had. In the last two years, before I escaped, I wasn’t allowed outside of the house. I was exposed to a gas leak for 7 months and had carbon monoxide poisoning. The last 2 days, before I escaped, I was held hostage with a machete to my throat, being told it was the end of the world and he was to execute me when our business contract, for the previous love bombing I believed, was signed. He didn’t let me change clothes, bathe, or use the bathroom. When my phone vibrated, he threw me over a chair where I couldn’t move for almost a whole minute. He didn’t sleep. He didn’t leave me alone. When I finally called out to whatever power that be to just give me a minute, even 30 seconds, and I’d escape and never look back… within 45 minutes he had to use the restroom and I ran for my life. July 23 will be one year and I have never been more free or happy. I barely survived but now I have thrived. I’m going after everything I ever wanted and was told I could never have. I’m watching shows and learning about bands I didn’t know existed because I was only allowed to watch and listen to what he said I could. I’m learning that cameras are no longer watching my every move. I’m finally able to breathe.
Surviving Domestic Abuse: A True Story of Escaping Violence and Finding Freedom
By Survivor I met a guy online, he seemed like the perfect guy for me so understanding and loving, I fell head over heels. It didn’t take long before I realized he wasn’t what he seemed. Anytime I didn’t do or say what he wanted he would belittle me and...