
He put me through hell

I married a man 6 months ago, who put me through hell.He constantly lied and manipulated me into think I was the crazy one. One day we was in my bedroom and he had done so much damage to me emotionally with all the lies and not having anything he promised, that I was on our bed trying to call my parents to leave and he slapped the phone out of my hand and hit me in the nose as he done it, then he proceeded to block out door and push me back on the bed, while yelling for his daughter to come stop me from leaving and crying and apologizing that it was a accident, I believed him and forgave him but he still put me so far in a hole that one day I took a gun and put my hand on it and while I was doing it he called all the kids outside to see and they was all scared and I ended up losing my boys only getting supervised visitation with them until I can get a doctor to say I’m safe again, I spent 5 days into a mental hospital, and he would act so caring and like he changed etc… he tortured me. This past Friday i woke up after and he told me it was over and kicked me out, knowing I had hysterectomy surgery the following Tuesday. So I left and packed a few things and came to my parents house 3 hours away and that where I’m staying. He told me if I didn’t sign the divorce papers he drawn up that he would make sure I never see my kids again and would pull all my medical records against me.

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