
My Story – Christy

I am a survivor of domestic violence, attempted murder once and attempted SA twice, the first time, I was 14. I have been sexually harassed in person more times than I can count and probably even remember. I’m not talking about a whistle, or a compliment…..I’m talking full blown grope of different body parts or some rubbing their genitalia on me such as two different employers. I took one of those instances to upper management just to be shamed, blamed, gaslit and made out to be a liar by every man in the room. I’ve always dressed modestly, never trying to reveal anything. I will not even wear a bikini unless no ones around but my husband. I’m paranoid to even wear something form fitting and Im 45 now. Its been lifelong. It’s not about how you dress. Yes, being revealing does garner attention, but people have complete control of their eyes. There’s never no excuse for abuse of any kind.

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