Breaking the Silence: My Struggle with Abuse and Isolation

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Website Director

I met a lad who abused me and hurt my son and I couldn’t do a thing and couldn’t call for help. he would isolate me from my family always asked me who texted me and who called and if I didn’t say he would kick off and start shouting and then go on to say oh your talking about me, slagging me off which I never as I was too scared. He used my mental health towards me as anyone would know it hard everyday alone but when you have someone who is putting you down it even harder and it made me mentally drained. He started to show up out the blue once waited nearly 4 hours out side my front door and said it as a surprise, I would come home after picking my child up from school and he would be there without any message saying he was coming down. If I didn’t eat some thing on my dinner plate he would get angry and shout at me I am fully grown women. If I couldn’t answer the phone I would get where are you? , who you with? your with another lad I would have to prove to him where and who I was with. He never physically hit me but his way was always biting he would leave marks on my arms and face. He would get really angry and sometimes he will get his fist ready and I would get scared thinking this is it he now going to hurt me. He would make me have sex without a condom and I would and I would have to agree to sex as if not it would all kick of I tired saying I wasn’t well but never worked. There other things which I do find difficult to speak about but what hurts me is there people out there that think it easy to get out an abusive relationship and think I made it all up that what hurts the most I did a programme to help with women, he abused another girl before me how many more women will he hurt and abuse before me and the other are taken seriously and before anything is done and he is punished for his actions toward the women he abused. I feel alone still to this very day, I am having to speak with someone about my mental health but still don’t feel myself , still don’t feel safe in my own home it been nearly a year since I’ve been free from that horror it doesn’t seem to get easier, but there is hope out there and you can find the power inside you to get out.

Website Director

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Break Your Silence

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