
Escaping Domestic Violence: My 11-Year Nightmare by Chalayne

 I was dating a guy for 11 years which we had a child together. And one night we went out and he got so drunk that he beat me in the kids because he couldn’t get in my pants. He was always an alcoholic but that night. It was just a little bit worse than other days. He’s put my his hands-on me in the past. But this time he broke my nose made me look like a raccoon with a black eyes. Hit my kids and basically just abused us. And held us hostage for least 4 hours in my apartment. I call the cups once. I got free from the apartment. Cause I told him that I was gonna go to the hospital and tell them that I got into a fight but once I got free from the apartment, I called the cups and the cops came and arrested him.
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