Nurturing Empowerment: Teaching Youth About Domestic Violence
Our sons and daughters are at the forefront when it comes to helping stop domesticviolence. What we choose to tell them and teach them about could make all the difference for thefuture. It is important to be careful with how we teach the youth, while simultaneouslyempowering them.When beginning to teach about domestic violence, it may […]
How to Guides: Children Witnessing Abuse and How to Speak Out
“The greater a child’s terror, and the earlier it is experienced, the harder it becomes todevelop a strong and healthy sense of self.”― Nathaniel BrandenPeople tend to believe that children don’t observe anything. However, they are the bestjudge of their surroundings. Children have this sixth sense of feeling, observing, and sensingthings that prove to be […]
Providing Sanctuary for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Their Pets
23-year-old Sara is considering leaving the abusive relationship, but the thought of possibly having toleave her dog Waggy behind fills her with anxiety, fear, and dread. She knows that many shelterswon’t accept pets, and the idea of leaving Waggy alone with the abuser’s anger terrifies her. Sarasilently vows to herself that she will find a […]
Women of Courage: Grace in a Vintage Time
“There are few people you meet who are just lovely. You then learn their story, and that’s when you realize, “That’ll probably be the loveliest person I’ve ever met.” That’s all you’ve hoped to feel about any one single person throughout life. And suddenly, the world becomes a better place because they’re in it.” -A.B. […]
Women Supporting Women: Building Stronger Networks and Communities.
In a world with so much competition and barriers, the solidarity among women stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment. The bond between women, forged through shared experiences and everyday struggles, has the power to transform lives and communities. Let us explore the importance of women supporting women and how it contributes to building […]
Run 4 Her: Empowering Women, Supporting Survivors – Join Us!
With March being Women’s Health Month, we partake in our annual Run 4 Her event. While we are strengthening our own bodies as we run or walk, we raise money to support domestic violence survivors. Too many women have experienced the effects of domestic violence, forever impacting their physical and mental health. So, who are […]