When time can’t heal your wound…
People always say it will get better with time, but that is not always the case. Losing a loved one, no matter how, is one of the deepest pains we can experience. Losing a loved one due to violence adds an additional layer of complexity to grief. The feelings you have after losing someone to […]
Building Supportive Communities: How we can all help to end domestic violence
While you are getting ready for work with the news on, you see domestic violence reports from the shadow pandemic and a headline about someone killing their entire family. You leave with your kids to get them to school. On the way, you drive past a homeless family with children. You get to work and […]
Hidden Traumas
Domestic violence (DV) can affect anyone of all races, genders, age, and sexual orientation. The CDC reports that one in every seven men in the U.S. over the age of eighteen are a victim of DV. The actual statistics may be even more, as men are far less likely to report instances of domestic violence […]
Finding Her Voice: A journey from victim to survivor
For those who have been battered yet find the courage to pack up and leave their abusers, the road from victim to survivor is not an easy one. It can be filled with fear, doubt and sometimes danger. Although one battle may end when you first walk out—if you take your abuser to court, it […]
Inviting Men to Break Their Silence
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AFFECTS EVERYONE It is not just a female issue. When people hear about domestic violence, the image of a female experiencing abuse often rushes to mind. Contrary to popular belief, women are not the only people experiencing domestic violence. Men are victims too. The Centers for Disease Control estimates, “About 1 in 3 […]
When We Need Dad the Most: 5 Things My Dad Saw
Nearly 1 in 4 women/1 in 9 men, experience physical abuse by a partner, in the United States, which equates to 10 million women and men a year. National Statistics, ncaddv.org I want to give you a story of dark and light in plain, solid truth. Dad’s care, especially those who are hard at love. […]