My Story – Desiree
Domestic Violence As it approaches nearly a year ago on the 24th June I want my story to help others. No women or children should have to go through this. If you want to leave a relationship you shouldn’t have to feel at fear this goes to women and men! I was in a 3 […]
My Story – Ashley
I met you when I was 18 years old and in a new state where I knew almost nobody. I had no self confidence and you took advantage of that. It started out with the verbal abuse and the mental abuse and then it escalated. First you did it in secret and then you didn’t […]
My Story – Eyeness
Once upon a time a girl loved a man more than herself. She did everything he wanted always. They were so happy until one day the man was cruel, he told her she was stupid and made her cry, immediately he apologized and held her and she felt safe and loved. Then one day the […]
My Story – Gerone
On may 31 my now ex boyfriend in his un medicated bipolar schizophrenia episode beat me and raped me for 1 hr . He’s in custody and Right now I’m in the process of get a restraining order. What hurts the most I spent 3 years under his control slowly isolating myself just to be […]
My Story – Alechia
I’m breaking my silence today…I met a man on Tinder almost a year ago. I told him from the start that I wasn’t ready for a serious relationship. However, I didn’t mind talking and going out with him. I just wanted to get to know him and take my time with things. We went on […]
Finding Her Voice: A journey from victim to survivor
For those who have been battered yet find the courage to pack up and leave their abusers, the road from victim to survivor is not an easy one. It can be filled with fear, doubt and sometimes danger. Although one battle may end when you first walk out—if you take your abuser to court, it […]