
My story – Amanda Douglas

My story is about my decade long relationship with my ex narcissistic boyfriend. I met him in 2011 in drug and alcohol rehab of all places, I should have known. I was 34 years old and had no idea who I was and of course had no self esteem and had addiction problems and everything […]

My story – Carly Stevens

After 8 months of constant harassment and court hearings I’m finally brave enough to share my story with the world in hopes no one has to go through what I went through. I met my ex fiancé at 12 years old. He was 15 at the time. We met online and chatted until we met […]

My Survivor Story

Trigger Warning This story may contain descriptions of physical and sexual violence that some survivors may find particularly upsetting. Please consider your triggers and well-being before reading past this point. × Dismiss alert The last five years of my marriage were some of the worst and most frightening years of my life. My ex-husband changed. […]

My story – shawnette roseboro

Testimony is telling others what God has done in your life. God wants us to share our testimonies to others so that they may be see how he delivered us from our spiritual warfare battle Satan can sometimes make us forget our testimony because he knows if we use our testimony, we will be victorious. […]

My story – Katelyn McDonald

I was in a 5 year relationship where I was experiencing domestic violence. I was embarrassed this was happening to me, of the holes he put in our walls, how he screamed and belittled me, and the hands he laid on me. I hid it. I disappeared off social media and stopped hanging around friends. […]

My story – kathy A

I was 15 when she started dating a neighborhood boy. When I was 16, he pulled her hair for talking to a male friend, and then he beat up the friend. Normal jealousy, she thought at the time. They continued to date. A few years later, she got pregnant and moved in with him. Four […]

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