Ebony Clarke Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Ebony Clarke speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


I was abused by my ex husband. Everything was going well until we got married. I found out that he was cheating on me the same day we got married, ever since I found out my whole world came crashing down. He started calling me names, making fun of me, picking on me and making me cry. He would say the most hurtful things to hurt me, I would be left crying while he would walk away and leave me there. It got to a point where he asked me, why I was always crying, that it was all a joke, he can’t joke with me. I felt like nothing, I couldn’t even defend myself as my self worth was taken by him. His family would chime in too and bully me. I honestly didn’t want to live anymore. Couple months pass by and he would still treat me the same. Things became extremely worse, he started putting his hands on me, slapping my face, spitting in my face, pulling my hair and kept on telling me this is all a game, come on its fun. At that point in my life, I woke up to the reality that the person I married was a monster. He was evil. I just wanted him to leave me alone. This caused me great depression but I didn’t tell a living soul as he would threaten me… Months past and things would improve (which was a cycle that would always happen). One day I found what I thought was my strength and stood up for myself. I was no longer taking the abuse anymore. Yeah he said he would change and stupidly I fell for it however he didn’t really change. All I was thinking was how I was going to protect my kids, this would never happen in front of them, he never harmed them, he wasn’t rude to anyone else, it was just me.
One day thankfully, he got arrested, but not for what you think, I found out that he was on the run for a crime he committed and didn’t tell me, until I went to visit him. I had so much mix emotions. I was finally free from him…
Then the cycle started to begin, its crazy how he was inside but still had a hold over me, I wasn’t as free as I thought I was. He would verbal abuse me over the phone, then say sorry seconds later. I had to take time for myself and reflect on my life. I finally got the courage to divorce him, that was the best thing I ever done. He would try contact me but I never picked up…
Years later he got out. This time I’m already settled down with my now partner and finally happy. A happiness that my ex wanted to destroy. He started verbally abusing me, I let him know, I’m not the same person from back then, yet he kept going on, verbally abusing me. I finally reported him to the police and got a restraining order on him…
I no longer live in fear, thats not due to reporting him, its due to knowing my worth and being strong enough to say No your are not treating me this way. For years I had nothing but hate for this person as he ruined my life. Now I feel nothing, he can no longer control me, he has no power over me. My voice is my power, I made a promise to myself to tell my story, here I am telling my story. X


Ebony Clarke Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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