I got out before it was too late. I’m one of the lucky ones. I’ve had several abusive relationships including 2 marriages. But this last one has put me in a living nightmare. I married him shortly after my first marriage ended. I knew he was bad. But I wanted to see the good in him. The first time he head butted me. Second time he grabbed my arm leaving a huge bruise. 3rd time he smacked me in my face after he stated it was my fault I was abused as a child. 4th time he pushed me 3 times. Third time hurting my back and I started fighting back. He then busted my lip open after I told him I was leaving. I went to work and then got help. He went to jail and we divorced while he was in there. In the meantime. He was calling his ex behind my back and git with her after. In Jan or last year he found me and begged me to talk to hkm. I shut the door in his face and I called the police. I had a protective order but they told me i had to go to a magistrate 30 mins away and there was no guarantee he would be arrested as my order was placed in a different town. My uncle died that day and I decided to let it go. June of last year he was arrested for 2nd degree murder and concealment of a body. He killed his ex the one he had bee talking to behind my back. He admitted it. They have now used his charges to 1st degree and I have been subpoena as a witness. I can’t be in the same room with him. After he went to jail he started writing to me begging forgiveness admitting he had been stalking me. Explaining how and why he killed her. I had to get another protective order against him and he broke that and only got 30 days serving only 5 days. That is my story. I’m living in a nightmare.
Surviving Domestic Abuse: A True Story of Escaping Violence and Finding Freedom
By Survivor I met a guy online, he seemed like the perfect guy for me so understanding and loving, I fell head over heels. It didn’t take long before I realized he wasn’t what he seemed. Anytime I didn’t do or say what he wanted he would belittle me and...