July Volunteer of the Month: Multitalented and Dependable

By Emilie Trepanier

“She’s quietly passionate, but you still see it in her dedication…she doesn’t boast it,” Amy Jasinski, Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence’s Creative Director and Graphic Designer said about our July Volunteer of the Month, Raqshan Khan, our Website Manager. She added that humility “encompasses” all of her amazing traits, because while Raqshan is “clearly so intelligent and creative,” she doesn’t rub her talents in anyone’s face.

Raqshan has been with BTSADV since September 2018. Amy said that Raqshan stood out right off the bat during the interview process for Raqshan’s volunteer position. Amy said while she’s seen plenty of teammates come and go, Raqshan’s dedication hasn’t wavered. “I can definitely trust her with a lot.”

Freshman year of college, Raqshan was in an abusive relationship which ended in March 2018. She said in her healing process, she wanted to put her energy into something more positive. “The way I think of it is that the person you were with took advantage of your time with them, and took your powers,” Raqshan said. “The only thing they have when you leave them is the power that you were with them. I wanted to take away [the] last bit of control. He can’t use it against me anymore because its a part of my identity now.” Raqshan said she wants to help people who didn’t have the resources she did, or who may not have a similar approach to healing as she did.

Amy said she nominated Raqshan, simply, “because she deserved it,” adding that being nominated for Volunteer of the Month is like a bonus for volunteers, and she wishes she could give her entire team a weekly bonus. “I know how much she is juggling and the fact that she still is so dedicated to what she does for us, and has still prioritized volunteering with us…it speaks so much to her character.”

While Raqshan said she hated math all throughout high school, she had a math professor her second semester of college who completely altered her perspective, inspiring her to make mathematics her major. She went to that professor for both academic and personal advice and said he made her believe in herself.

“[He] helped show me I’m a strong person in [my] academic and social life,” she said.

From there, Raqshan joined the math club, where she may take on a leadership role her next semester of college. Her previous Math Club President put emphasis on how math can intersect into social justice issues, and Raqshan said it was “refreshing to see how math can weave into that.” She said while it is a cliché, “math is in everything.”

Raqshan said “…numbers… aren’t something you can make into a partisan issue. Numbers clearly show injustices are happening, how many people are suffering, how many people aren’t being listened to or getting help… [it’s] not something people just think are happening.” She went on to say showing the math behind social issues could be a “large component on how to solve these issues.”

Just like with social justice issues, Raqshan said she feels a strong connection to anyone who’s ever faced any kind of abuse. “If there’s any way I can use my experience to ease pain…or to help someone get out…then that’s what I wanted to do.” When she found BTSADV, Raqshan said the Website Manager position seemed like the perfect opportunity for her because it combined her current skills as well as the skills she was aspiring for.

Brian Nguyen, Director of Social Media, said Raqshan gets the website to reflect BTSADV’s brand standards. “She has made tremendous strides helping us transform our website,” he said, adding that she continues to play a critical role on the team while also being a student. He said BTSADV’s website is our lead marketing tool, and because of Raqshan’s work, she “brings survivors, advocates, allies, and supporters to the BTSADV website.” Brian said contributions made to our website is what helps other survivors get the support they need.

“For me, what really impresses me now is that we are in the process of developing a new website. While [on vacation], she is still managing to stay on top of things,” Brian said.

Raqshan said she appreciates having a long to-do list. “The feeling of being overworked is overall so much better, and I owe it a large part to BTSADV.”

Depending on how she juggles all of her commitments, Raqshan may double major in computer science. She said she views computer science as a language and more structured than math.

In addition to what considered more left-brain interests, Raqshan is interested in fashion; specifically thrifting. “Give me a few hours on a weekend and I’ll go to as many stores as I can,” she said. She is also interested in painting and graphic design.

Amy said Raqshan has taught her how to let go some of her control as a leader and to trust her team. “Having people who you know will stick by you takes a huge weight off my shoulders,” Amy said. She said because Raqshan is so focused and driven, you don’t have to worry about her assignments and deadlines. “She’s reliable,” Amy said.

Raqshan’s passion for BTSADV’s mission is her favorite aspect of the organization. She said she hopes to bring a similar safe space to a sexual violence coalition she recently joined; a place where victims can have a community and connections. “Something I’ve learned through this very crazy journey I’ve had through talking with those who’ve had similar situations, it can be both very upsetting and comforting. You know you’re not crazy, you’re not alone.” Raqshan said abusers somehow use the same tactics without knowing each other.

Currently, Raqshan is redesigning our website. She said despite her heavy workload, the team continues to be understanding and supportive. “Everyone seems like a close-knit family, which gives you strength. It’s comforting to have this connecting system.” She said she already feels like most members of the team accept her, and the ones who know her are loving and caring.

She said, “If anyone ever needs me to do anything on the website, reach out! I respond as fast as possible.”

As far as being Volunteer of the Month, Amy said “It was time. It’s been the time since day one.”

If you’re interested in volunteering with Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence, visit: https://breakthesilencedv.org/volunteer/.

break the silence against domestic violence

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