
My Story – Alexandra

I’m literally having panic attacks , I’m heartbroken crying,
as I had a baby with a sociopath who loves to hurt me mentally and more, and has told me that he’s “ living the bachelor life” in his own apartment,
but he “ claims he loves me and wants to move in with me for a year now, nothing has changed and I’m pretty sure he’s happy living on his own on weekdays, but he wants me there with his baby only on weekends…
& he’s still messing with my mind and heart.
I’m so fcking sick of his games.
He basically never loved me or this baby..
it’s messed up how someone can be so heartless and cruel.
I hope he’s gonna be happier with his new supplies and realizes how much he is a messed up person and a shitty father he is!
I’m usually a positive person, but he breaks me down..
He basically thinks he owns me and I’m never gonna leave him and move on just because I have a child with him, he thinks he got me forever …

Idk how I should just move on and not let him suck me back in his lies and manipulation…

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